(Picture Credit: The Open Road Images / Aurora Photos/Getty Images)
There are many reasons to go for a hike. Not only is it a great way to enjoy the outdoors and breathe in the fresh air, but it promotes exercise and overall good health. However, if you’re a pet parent, you know hiking doesn’t just have numerous benefits for you, but also for your beloved pooch.
Most dogs love the outdoors, and on a hike, they’re able to stretch their legs and explore the world around them. But before you take your dog out on the trail, there are few things you need to consider.
Firstly, you need to make sure your dog is capable of going on long treks in the wilderness. That means speaking with your dog’s vet and taking into account their age and breed.
Make sure all your dog’s vaccinations are up to date. If you’re in a region where disease-carrying insects and wildlife run amok, ask your vet if there are special immunizations in case your dog gets bitten.
It’s also important to make sure you cover any precautions and safety measures by making sure you have all the gear and supplies a dog might need during the hike. Here are six things you need when going on a hike with your dog.
1. A Strong Harness
As obedient as your pup might be, it’s a good idea to use a harness instead of relying only a collar when it comes to hiking.
Dogs are naturally curious animals, and anything can excite them at a moment’s notice. This means you might have to pull them back if they try to chase after something in the wild.
Make sure the harness is loose enough for you to slip two fingers underneath but not loose enough that they can slip out of it.
It’s also a good idea to make sure the harness has colorful material and reflective fabrics in case it gets dark while you’re hiking.
Using a collar alone might not be a good idea, as it might choke them, especially if it gets caught on a branch or they go bolting after something in the bushes
2. A Good Leash

(Picture Credit: Linus Strandholm / EyeEm/Getty Images)
Make sure your leash is no longer than six feet. Leashes longer than six feet might get it entangled in a bush or a low branch.
It’s good to have manageable control with your leash in case you need to reign your pup back and keep them away from dangers like a narrow trail or other wild creatures.
A colorful or reflective leash will also help during a hike, especially if it gets dark.
3. Dog Tags And Microchip
Making sure your dog has the proper identification is always important, so always check that your dog’s regular tags are attached to their collar and that the information on them is current. If you’ve changed phone numbers recently, update their tags before you hike.
Another form of identification is a microchip, a small device placed beneath a dog’s skin. Recommended by most veterinarians, a microchip ensures anyone who finds your dog can scan the chip and read your contact information.
A microchip is a permanent form of ID that will make it much easier to reunite you with your dog. It can’t fall off if your dog loses their collar, unlike their regular tags.
Having both of these forms of identification is helpful in case you dog gets lost on the trail.
4. Food And Water

(Picture Credit: Jaromir Chalabala / EyeEm/Getty Images)
Making sure you dog is hydrated and has enough energy to make the hike is very important. When it comes to bringing food, make sure you bring at least half of the portion you normally feed them. It’s also recommended to bring food or treats that are high in protein and fats to keep your pup’s energy high.
As for water, make sure you consider the difficulty of the hike and the temperature in the day. Your pup will want to drink more water than usual, as they will be expending more energy on a hike. Timing your dog’s water breaks for every 15 to 30 minutes will make sure your dog stays hydrated throughout the hike.
Don’t forget to bring a collapsible bowl, as this will help with giving your dog their food and water. These durable and lightweight bowls usually come with a loop that you can attach to your pup’s leash or the side of your hiking bag.
5. A First-Aid Kit
Not only might you need first aid for yourself, but your dog might need it if they get injured during your hike.
Some items you might consider putting in a first-aid kit are tweezers for tick removal, antiseptic for wounds, liquid bandages for hurt paws, and gauze for extra padding and protection around covered wounds.
Also, pack some waste bags for when your dog has to do their business. This will also help keep the trail clean, as your dog’s waste is not considered part of the wild environment.
6. Weather Protection

(Picture Credit: marekuliasz/Getty Images)
It is always important to check the weather before heading out on a hike. But sometimes, no matter how prepared you are, the weather can still be unpredictable.
For your dog, make sure you bring a few pieces of clothing that will protect them from the weather conditions, like a raincoat if it starts to rain and booties if the trail gets abrasive or muddy. Keeping a reflective vest or jacket will also help if it gets dark fast where you’re hiking.
Pet stores now sell backpacks for dogs for times like these. But make sure your dog is strong enough to carry it if you use one, and don’t overpack it to where it’s too heavy for them.
If you happen to be hiking where it’s extra sunny, consider a dog sunscreen as recommended by your veterinarian. Do not use human sunscreen on dogs.
What do you bring for your dog when you go on a hike? Are there any other dog hiking supplies we should add to the list? Let us know in the comments below!
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