(Picture Credit: gollykim/Getty Images)
If you’re wondering why you may have been seeing more pictures of puppies than usual, I have the answer. March 23rd is National Puppy Day!
To celebrate, we rounded up 30 of the cutest and most adorable puppies from Instagram. Help us celebrate with these little balls of fluff!
Every single pup I see is the absolute cutest puppy I’ve ever seen! How is that possible?
Look at these beautiful little puppers! They are all gonna grow up to be beautiful big puppers.
Remember to be responsible; adopt don’t shop and help reduce the number of unwanted dogs left in shelters.
Do puppy pictures make you happy? Do you have a puppy at home? Please post a picture in the comments below and share the joy! Also, don’t forget to give your pup some extra cuddles and kisses for National Puppy Day!