(Picture Credit: anurakpong/Getty Images)
Some of us are born morning people — others, not so much. And a select few, such as new puppy parents, have the morning thrust upon them whether they like it or not.
Puppies sure are adorable, but they also come with some needs and wants that cause their human moms and dads to miss out on other things — like sleep.
Here are five things that only puppy parents understand about trying to get ready in the morning with a brand new puppy.
A Puppy’s Need To Pee Takes Priority Over Yours
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Maybe before having a puppy, the first thing you did was mosey into your bathroom, plop down on the toilet, and take a leisurely couple of minutes to do your business.
Once you have a puppy, that morning routine is a thing of the past.
The first creature who gets bathroom privileges is your puppy, and they will make sure of that, whether it’s outside in your backyard or inside on your new rug.
The Snooze Button Is A Thing Of The Past
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Prior to having a puppy, it was easy to hit the snooze once or twice — or a few more times — and take a few extra luxurious minutes in between dream and awake states before the reality of the day hit you.
Puppies have really good hearing – almost supernatural — and can sense the moment you open your eyelids. That’s the signal to start jumping around and begging to be let out, right?
A Morning Walk Becomes A Fabulous Way To Start The Day
(Photo Credit: Getty Images)
To non-puppy parents, the idea of taking a twenty minute walk around the block to make sure your pup has eliminated everything may seem like a burden.
While it can definitely be a lifestyle shift at first, it quickly becomes a great part of your morning routine.
Knocking out a little bit of cardio and housebreaking your pup at the same time? It’s a win-win.
Your Pup Will Help Pick Out Your Wardrobe
(Photo Credit: Getty Images)
A puppy might just want to help pick what shoes you should wear and what shoes should exit your wardrobe and become their new chew toys, instead.
Some days, you give in and let them chew up the old sneaker. Other days, it’s worth trading them a toy for your shoe and positively reinforcing the desired behavior of not chewing up your expensive pumps.
Even If You’re Not A Morning Person, You’ll Soon Become One
(Photo Credit: Getty Images)
Puppies make people smile. It’s a fact.
Puppy parents know that even if they’re being dragged out of bed at four in the morning, it will secretly be worth it just to see that adorable face so full of energy and excitement at the crack of dawn.
Morning Puppy Syndrome is contagious, and before puppy parents know it, they’re morning people, too.
Do you have a pup at home who loves mornings? What other things do puppy parents know about getting up early that other people don’t? Let us know in the comments below!