(Picture Credit: Stefan Cioata/Getty Images)
When your pup is having a blast at the dog park, whether it’s a dog beach or a grassy area, time is of no concern to them. They probably hope they’re going to be there all day. And as pet parents, we wish life were slow and easy enough for us to let them have the daylong play sessions they want.
Alas, there are always plans and other responsibilities to take care of.
So, when it comes time to go home and leave the park, our dogs might whine a little. But there are some pooches who really, really do not want to leave the dog park, and they make sure everyone, including their pet parents, knows about it.
With caronavirus on the rise and stay at home orders in place, trips to the dog park might be hard to come by. Luckily, we’ve found some funny videos from years past of dogs who made us laugh when they absolutely refused to let the fun end. Here are six dogs who threw tantrums leaving the dog park.
1. Dakota The Husky Doesn’t Want To Go
Dakota is a Siberian Husky whose time at the dog park is over.
She lays out on the grass refusing to follow her parents’ commands. In fact, her dad tries to coax her to get up, and even attempts to pick her up with no success.
After a while, however, her dad is finally able to scoop her up and head to the car — but not without Dakota letting them know she’s not happy about it.
2. Golden Retriever Puts On A Show
This Golden Retriever knew it was almost time to leave the park, but the pup wasn’t ready to go home. And with a crowd around him, maybe he thought he could get them to help convince his dad to stay just a little bit longer.
At first, he tries to play dead, which causes some bursts of laughter from the people. There’s even a light tug of war with the leash as he stands his ground.
Then his dad unhooks his leash and pretends to walk away. But this Golden Retriever is wise to the act, as he stays flat on his back. Toward the end, he gives in and finally follows after his dad.
3. Howling Husky Stays Put
Another husky throwing a tantrum. Yes, Huskies are notorious for being a little dramatic and moody.
As she plants her paws in the middle of the dog park, mom calls out from the fence saying it’s time to go home. The Husky stands there, howling and calling back to her mom as if saying “no.”
It’s a hilarious clip to the end when she finally gives in after noticing the other dogs heading home too.
4. French Bulldog Is Mad And Not Gonna Take It
Sometimes things happen and plans change. But our pups might not understand what’s going on.
Take this French Bulldog for example. Thinking he’s going to spend a couple hours at his favorite place, plans are quickly cancelled as the dog park is closed to spray for bugs.
His mother tries to explain this to him, but the outspoken Frenchie won’t have it, as he talks back and tries to explain his side of things. It’s a hilarious back and forth between pet parent and pup.
5. Butters Wants To Stay
Butters, along with his brothers and sisters, takes a trip to the dog park. Having not been to the dog park before, he’s skeptical and stays in the car while his siblings jump out.
The funny part comes when he finally goes in, and then it’s time to go home. All his brothers and sisters wait in the car while Butters throws a tantrum, laying on his back, not wanting to leave the park.
6. Ninja Loves The Beach
Everyone loves the beach. Ninja might love the beach more than any of us.
His parents try to call him to get his harness on, but Ninja rebuffs as he cries out to them, hoping to convince them to stay just a little bit longer. He runs back and forth between his parents and the ocean, skimming by the coast and enjoying the water.
I know, Ninja. I wouldn’t want to leave the beach, either.
Which of these funny pups was your favorite? Do any of them remind you of your dog when it’s time to leave the park? Let us know in the comments below!