Cody the Labrador loves summer because it means he’ll get to spend time in the pool. In fact, his human says that Cody loves to play splashing games!
But sometimes you just need to relax from all that doggy paddling. And as Cody finds out, standing is a lot easier than swimming!
Watch the funny, adorable Labrador in the video above find out that he can just plant his paws and take a break while still keeping cool in the summer season!

(Picture Credit: chendongshan/Getty Images)
If you have a pool at home, make sure you keep your dog safe. Just because your pooch is an avid swimmer like Cody doesn’t mean you can give them free access to the water without supervision.
Summer is a lot of fun, but it also presents some new dangers for our dogs. Keep these tips in mind, and you’ll have a great season by the pool with your pooch. Don’t forget to take pictures and videos if your dog does something silly in the pool like Cody in the video above!
Does your dog love to spend time in the pool? Does your dog ever stand on their hind legs in the water like this Labrador? Let us know in the comments below!
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