
Woman Who ‘Married’ Her Dog Says “We Were Meant To Be”

It’s easy to say you’re not really alone when you do have a dog. One woman took that sentiment a huge step further when she decided to propose marriage to her dog, Sheba.

Amanda Rodgers literally got down on one knee to propose to her dog and “could tell by her tail wagging that she said ‘yes.’” The London resident appeared on ITV’s This Morning with her Jack Russell Terrier spouse in 2014 to explain the decision.


And yes, there was an actual wedding ceremony. More than just that, 200 people attended the event in Croatia.

“I gave her a kiss to seal the deal and then everyone threw confetti. It was a wonderful moment,” Rodgers explained.


An Emotional/Metaphorical Marriage

There’s no evidence from the interview to indicate this dog/person relationship is anything more than emotional. It certainly isn’t a legal marriage by any definition. Rodgers said:

“I know the wedding to Sheba wasn’t real in the legal sense. But it was a nice way to mark what Sheba means to me.”

This Morning host Phillip Schofield called going from loving your dog to marrying them “a big step,” asking Rodgers how she made that jump. To her, it seemed like a natural expression of love between a woman and her dog.

“Yeah, I suppose you’re right… there are different kinds of love – my love for Sheba is very deep. We have a deep connection.”


Rodgers also added that she had “dreamed of a perfect wedding dress since [she] was small,” and she made the one she wore for the ceremony herself. The designer of Sheba’s dress was not mentioned.

Some Viewers Get The Sentiment, But Not The Act

Amid a pile of comments calling Rodgers crazy (in so many words), there were a few in defense of loving your dog more than other people. Still, dog lovers have to admit holding a 200 person symbolic wedding between you and your pup is a little over the top.

“I wouldn’t marry my dogs. But I love them more than most people.” – Sam Stuart via Facebook

“You know, I can actually relate to this post and understand it, if it’s a marriage of [convenience] and just companionship. The perfect spouse situation. I say to her be happy and content (but come on, look at the poor pooch’s face wearing the dress….”Not impressed one bit.”)” – Michael S Tait via Facebook

Personally, I plan to marry a human being, but if invited, I would totally attend a dog/person wedding… As long as it’s not a destination wedding.

What do you think?

H/T: The Sun
Featured Image: ITV

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