
(Picture Credit: AleksandarNakic/Getty Images) Summer is a perfect time for kids to do some bonding with their pups. The nice weather brings plenty of opportunities for outdoor activities that will allow kids to form deeper relationships with the dogs they love. Dogs can teach children a lot about compassion, empathy, and responsibility, too. Just remember to
<div class=”menu-item toggle-menu-container”><button class=”burguer-button js-toggle-menu” data-button=”menu”><span class=”lines”></span></button></div><div class=”header-main js-menu-main”><div class=”logo-header”><div id=”custom_html-2″ class=”widget_text widget_custom_html”><h3 class=”title”>Logo – Original</h3><div class=”textwidget custom-html-widget”><a href=”” ><img class=”no-lazy” src=”/assets/uploads/2019/04/dogtime_notagline.svg” alt=”Dogtime”/></a></div></div></div><div class=”header-middle listicle-title-counter”><h2 class=”listicle-post-title-header”>National Picnic Month: 9 Tips To Have A Fun, Safe Picnic With Your Dog</h2><span id=”js-image-counter” class=”listicle-current-slide-counter”>00/00</span></div><div class=”listicle-header-right”><div class=”toggle-search js-toggle-search” data-button=”search”><button class=”button-search”>SEARCH</button></div><div class=”searchbox js-search”><div class=”widget_siq_search_widget scripts”><div id=”siq-expandwdgt-cont” class=”siq-expandwdgt-cont”> <form class=”siq-expandwdgt” action=””>
(Picture Credit: alexei_tm/Getty Images) If you have a dog with seemingly endless energy, you probably need to find ways to keep your furry friend active throughout the day. When you don’t, your pooch may invent their own fun “activities” out of your shoes, books, furniture, or anything else they can possibly chew on. While a quick
(Picture Credit: Getty Images) If you’ve got a hyperactive dog who needs to chill before a nap, car ride, vet visit, or for any other reason, you’re probably looking for ways to tire them out quickly. Maybe a walk would take too long and you don’t have the time. Maybe you need something a little