
(Image Credit: Getty Images/SuthepWongkhad/EyeEm) There are plenty of reasons you might want to copy your dog’s paw prints. Sometimes it’s great for art projects, holiday cards, or mold casts to show members of your family. You can also use paw prints or molds to create a memorial for a beloved pooch. Some of us like
(Picture Credit: Getty Images/APF/Staff) Yoga is a timeless practice that originated in India. Its exact era of origin is so steeped in history that it’s hard to pinpoint, but the practice has been considered sacred by yogis everywhere since time immemorial. However, some forms of yoga, like doga, are a little bit newer. Yoga’s growing
(Picture Credit: Getty Images) We often think of exercise only as a health issue, but it has significant day-to-day effects on a dog’s behavior as well. Dogs—particularly puppies and young dogs—have a lot of energy, and if they don’t get the chance to burn it off, destructive behavior is often the result. If you’re annoyed
(Picture Credit: RyanJLane/Getty Images) In the cold winter months it’s tough to summon the courage to brave the weather and get outside for a workout. Even your dog might think twice about begging for another trek through the snow. But just because you’re stuck indoors doesn’t mean you have to pack on pounds as you
(Picture Credit: Getty Images) It may surprise some dog lovers to learn that our pups don’t all automatically know how to play fetch. Even though it’s a stereotypical dog game, running after a toy and bringing it back doesn’t always come naturally to pooches. Fetch is a great form of both mental and physical exercise.
(Picture Credit: Getty Images) You’ve probably seen dogs out for a happy, safe morning jog with their owners, eagerly keeping up the pace and having a great time. You’ve also probably seen dogs dragged along as they try to catch their breath while their owners pull their leashes, running too fast for their pup to
(Picture Credit: Klaus Vedfelt/Getty Images) One of the best things our dogs do for us on a daily basis is make us happy. It sounds like a simple thing, yet it’s very important for us as pet parents and enriches our lives. There’s no better feeling than when we open the front door and see